Submissions to the  Colorado WOLF HOWL  e-newsletter 


    for the next HOWL publication date

  Did you know . . .

Your firm can gain even more exposure

to your Sister WOLFs with a

sponsorship of Colorado WOLF?

Colorado W.O.L.F. has three sponsorship levels

with a variety of sponsor benefits

email for more information

           Member Announcements

                                        Example Announcement topics:

 seeking new part-time or full-time employees  (list salary or salary

       range) or contract help 
◆   free items to a good home
◆   free events or presentations of general interest (rather than a  
       specific practice area)

Member Announcements are FREE

     Submit your Announcement by Clicking HERE

                  Classified Advertising

                                                    Example Classified Ad topics: 


 your firm, new practice areas, or hires

◆  services or products for sale

◆  events / presentations for profit

◆  client development benefiting your or another commercial concern

Classified Ads are $15 each

                               Submit your  Classified Ad by Clicking HERE


Colorado W.O.L.F. (Women Owned Law Firms)

is a non-profit organization and networking partner of Colorado Bar Association's Solo Small Firm Practice Section

Visit us at  or email with questions or comments. 

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